Oculoplasty and Ocular Aesthetics

Oculoplasty and Ocular Aesthetics

Ophthalmic plastic surgery or oculoplasty focuses on improving the function, comfort and appearance of the eye. An oculoplastic surgeon treats various structures that are vital to the eyes’ regular functioning. They deal with the following eye problems :

Eyebrow Problems
Eyelid Malposition
Orbit Problems
Skin Cancers of the Eyelid
Tear Drainage Problems

As an expert ophthalmologist, Dr Anisha Gupta uses high-quality techniques and equipment to maximise functionality while keeping ocular aesthetics intact and minimising recovery time.

Oculoplasty and Ocular Aesthetics

When should you see an oculoplastic surgeon?

You need an oculoplastic surgeon if you experience any of the following conditions:

Absence of an eye
Asymmetry in the eyes
Blepharoplasty for excessive eyelid fat
Blocked tear ducts (NLD block)
Bulging eyes
Difficulty closing eyelids
Excessive blinking
Eye burns
Eyelids hanging downwards (ptosis)
Eyelids turning in or out (entropion and ectropion, respectively)
Folds, scars, or wrinkles around the eyes
Orbit tumours
Tumours growing around or inside the eye
Twitching eyes

Your ophthalmologist may also consult with another specialisation (e.g., an oncologist for tumours and ocular cancers) for superior treatment options, giving you the best chance at a successful recovery. Additionally, they focus on aesthetics alongside functionality, so patients do not feel self-conscious after their procedures.

Treatments Offered By Oculoplastic Surgeons

Understanding the various treatments by the area or structure rather than individually will help create a clearer idea of what you can expect from your oculoplastic or ophthalmic plastic surgery.


Eyelid Treatments

The eyelids are essential to protect your eye. They keep the cornea (the eye’s surface) moist by spreading the tear film evenly across it. Thus, eyelid malfunctioning can result in permanent damage to the cornea unless treated by an oculoplastic surgeon.

Leading ophthalmologists offer the following treatments for eyelid dysfunctions:

Surgery for ptosis (droopy eyelids)
Correcting abnormalities such as entropion, ectropion, trichiasis, and distichiasis
Weighted implants for facial nerve paralysis (to close the eyelid)
Eyelid reconstruction
Eyelid tumour management
Treatment of Meibomian gland dysfunction
Chalazion removal

Eyelid dysfunctions require specialised treatment depending on cause and severity. Dr Gupta carefully analyses and diagnoses the problem accurately before proceeding with the appropriate treatment path.

Lacrimal System Treatments

The lacrimal system refers to the tear ducts. The most common complication associated with this is watery eyes or epiphora. Epiphora happens due to blocked tear ducts or tear overproduction.

Your oculoplastic surgeon treats lacrimal system disorders through the following procedures:

Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) for nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLD)
Dacryocystectomy (DCT) for lacrimal sac tumours
Conjunctivo-DCR for blocked tear drainage tubes
Probing for children with congenital complications
Punctoplasty to open up narrow tear drainage passages
Repairing tear drainage passages

Ensuring the lacrimal system functions normally helps keep the eye sufficiently moist and protected while promoting clear vision and better ocular health.

Orbital Treatments

The orbit is the skull cavity containing the eye and its structure. It can develop several complications, making the following treatments essential to ensure optimised eyesight:

Orbital volume augmentation
Orbital fracture repair
Orbital decompression for prominent or bulging eyes
Optic nerve sheath decompression
Orbitotomy for orbital tumours

Your oculoplastic surgeon chooses the proper procedure and techniques depending on your needs to ensure your eye continues functioning normally.

Eye Socket Treatments

The eye socket comprises seven different bones and refers to both the depression and the eyeball inside. Treatments for the eye socket include:

Customised artificial eyes
Orbital exenteration to remove orbital content and manage tumours
Enucleation or evisceration to remove and replace damaged eyes with implants
Reconstructing small, contracted sockets to fit artificial eyes

Oculoplastic surgeons may combine orbital and eye socket treatments depending on the condition and severity for better long-term results.

Aesthetic Oculoplastic Treatments

The eyes are one of the primary identification markers on the face. Thus, many patients opt for cosmetic procedures that create aesthetic eyes and rejuvenate their appearance.

The most common ophthalmic plastic surgery treatments include:

Botox injections
Scar treatments
Blepharoplasty for loose eyelid skin and eye bags
Fillers for hollows and depressions
Brow lifts for sagging eyebrows
Fat transfer for augmentation

With vast expertise in oculoplasty, Dr Anisha Gupta offers the highest quality treatments for every cosmetic and reconstructive concern her patients face. You get a comfortable procedure and easy recovery under her specialised hand.

Contact us today and meet with a leading ophthalmologist in Delhi to improve your eyes now!